Here’s The Stay At-HomeMetabolism-Reset
That I Use To Feel And Look My Best in 14 Days!
Here’s The
  Stay At-Home
That I Use To Feel And Look My Best in 14 Days!
I want to tell you about the exact plan I follow when I need to get lean and toned… all while eating delicious meals, and doing only 20 minutes of exercise a day.

Because honestly, my abs don’t show like this 365 days a year.

But when I became a fitness model, I knew that I needed a plan that…

I want to tell you about the exact plan I follow when I need to get lean and toned… all while eating delicious meals, and doing only 20 minutes of exercise a day.

Because honestly, my abs don’t show like this 365 days a year.

But when I became a fitness model, I knew that I needed a plan that…
Actually works for getting lean and cut
Doesn’t require me to spend hours at a gym
I can follow without hating my life!
Marina Santos
Personal Trainer
 Fitness Model
I’ve now taught this “Metabolism Reset” to many of my personal training clients, and they’ve had incredible results, so I’m excited to share it with you guys, too :)

In case we haven’t met, name is Marina Santos, and in addition to my modeling work, I'm a Certified Trainer in La Jolla, California.

I've been working in fitness for over seven years, and I've had the privilege of modeling for incredible companies in the fitness industry.

It’s fun work, but the Personal Training is the most rewarding work I do because…
I Have NOT Always Been This Healthy And Confident… Far From It, In Fact :(
I played competitive Volleyball in college, but after graduation, my health started to go downhill rapidly, and things seemed to get worse as I got older. My metabolism slowed down, I began to gain weight I didn’t want, and despite my best efforts, I just couldn't lose it.

My hormones were a total mess, I started having adult acne, and cellulite began to appear on my thighs and butt. And it was no better on the inside - my cholesterol was WAY above safe levels for someone my age.
But maybe worst of all, I just felt awful! My energy levels were at rock bottom, my digestion was awful (sorry if this is "TMI" but I would go days without going to the bathroom), my motivation was low, and my self-esteem began to plummet. I did my best to smile on the outside, but on the inside, I felt helpless and lost.

And it wasn’t for lack of trying! I made a lot of mistakes. For example, for a while I was trying…
My First Mistake:
Long Cardio Workouts.
Lots Of Time And Effort, For Very Little Reward!

I’d go to the gym and “sweat it off” for an hour on the treadmill or the elliptical, but there were four major problems with this approach:
I’d go to the gym and “sweat it off” for an hour on the treadmill or the stairmaster, but there were four major problems with this approach:
1. 60 minutes a day is a HUGE commitment for a busy woman!
3. Long, slow cardio doesn't help much with toning the body or building lean muscle mass, which is needed to boost the metabolism.
2. Endurance Cardio only burns calories while you’re doing it.
4. Numerous recent studies have proved that long workouts increase “post-workout eating,” where we feel entitled to a “reward meal” after a big sweat session.
1. 60 minutes a day is a HUGE commitment for a busy woman!
2. Cardio only burns calories while you’re doing it. And here is a little sad truth... On average a marathoner buns around 2600 calories, which is the same amount as a Baskin Robbins Chocolate Milkshake!
3. Long, slow cardio doesn't help much with toning the body or building lean muscle mass, which is needed to boost the metabolism.

4. Numerous recent studies have proved that long workouts increase “post-workout eating,” where we feel entitled to a “reward meal” after a big sweat session.
Now please understand: any exercise is better than none, and there is real value in endurance training.

But far too many women just don’t have this much time to exercise. We put our work, our friends and our family ahead of our own needs, and our health suffers as a result.  

After two months of long cardio sessions, I was majorly discouraged. My weight had barely budged, and all I had to show for it were a lot of sweaty gym clothes.  

I grudgingly admitted that I needed to start eating healthier, which brings me to…
My Second Mistake:
Eating The Wrong Calories At The Wrong Time
I had to start somewhere, so… might as well start with breakfast, right?

I swapped out my bagel and egg sandwich and orange juice, for what I thought was a far healthier alternative: yogurt, granola and berries, and a fresh-pressed green juice.

But after two weeks, my weight had barely budged, and I was feeling even worse!
You see, this new, so-called “healthy” breakfast was FULL of sugar and grains, which are exactly the worst thing to put in the body in the morning.

The glucose in sugar (from the yogurt, berries and juice) and grains (the granola) is metabolized incredibly fast… think of it like using newspaper to start a fire. It burns fast, and dirty! 

And when I was starting my day with it, I was kicking off a cascade of metabolic activity that…
  • ​  Quickly burned a few of the calories for energy
  • ​  Made me hungry, tired and flooded with stress hormones just an hour later when I’d have a “sugar crash”
  • ​  Released a flood of inflammatory free radicals, causing cellular destruction
  • ​  Skyrocketed my insulin levels, so my body stored the rest of the calories as fat
  • ​  Fed the “bad bacteria” in my gut, making my digestive problems worse
  • ​  Quickly burned a few of the calories for energy
  • ​  Made me hungry, tired and flooded with stress hormones just an hour later when I’d have a “sugar crash”
  • ​  Released a flood of inflammatory free radicals, causing cellular destruction
  • ​  Skyrocketed my insulin levels, so my body stored the rest of the calories as fat
  • ​  Fed the “bad bacteria” in my gut, making my digestive problems worse
Metabolism Mistake #3:
Not Eating Enough!!!
Excuse me while I go on a short rant, but when a woman starves herself in the name of “healthiness”, I want to tear my hair out!

Far too many women write to me, and say that they’re only consuming 500 calories a day because they want to be skinny. It makes me hate the media for promoting the wrong ideas of what “healthy” really is.
Because that level of calorie restriction – on a daily basis – is really unhealthy.
It dramatically spikes the body’s stress hormones, which leads to a bad mood, bad sleep, reduced brain function, and lower energy.
And the body’s not dumb… the metabolism will simply slow down to “adapt to” the fewer calories it’s got to work with.

So while it can lead to short-term weight loss, calorie restriction actually degrades the metabolism. Most women gain even more weight back once they give up to stress, and start eating normal again.
So How Did I Finally Get Healthy, Fix My Metabolism, And Get My Abs To Pop?
It took me over two years of different eating plans and workouts, and doing countless hours of research, to arrive at this conclusion:

If I wanted to look and feel my best, I had to boost my Resting Metabolic Rate

That’s how many calories it takes to run the body’s basic processes: breathing, pumping blood, digesting, etc… and it accounts for 60-75% of the calories we burn every day! 
Think of the Resting Metabolic Rate as the “master dial” for how many calories the body can burn. 

If the dial gets turned up, the body will automatically burn more. 
(this is why calorie restriction doesn’t work long term… it actually turns the dial down!)
How To "Reset" The Metabolism And Boost The Resting Metabolic Rate
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