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...How To Turn Up The Body’s “Metabolic Dial
It’s simple: add lean muscle.

Lean Muscle demands more oxygen and energy than almost any other tissue in the body. 

So when a woman adds more lean muscle, her body’s metabolism will have to run faster… it’s hungry for oxygen and nutrients! 

And this is why…
It’s Ok To Eat That Molten Chocolate Cake… Without An Ounce of Guilt ;)
If the body’s metabolic “furnace” is burning hotter 24-7, it’s totally ok to indulge in the occasional treat.

Yes, sugar still burns fast and dirty, but way more of those calories will be immediately converted to energy, to feed that lean muscle...

…which means fewer calories getting converted into fat.

So remember this: the more lean muscle you have, the faster your metabolism runs.
That was a big “ah-ha” for me.

It turned me off unhealthy restriction diets (because gosh it would be hard for me to give up pizza and cupcakes forever!). 

And it got me focused on increasing healthy lean muscle, so my body would naturally and automatically regulate its own weight. It took some time, but…
I Developed A Method To Get In Shape And Get Toned… And People Took Notice
I still remember the day that I looked at myself in the mirror and said “I’m going to fix this.”

That was the day that I gave up everything else in my life, and pursued a certification as a Personal Trainer (not that I had a lot going on at the time, anyway). 

Between what I was learning in my Personal Training curriculum, and my own research, I began to try anything that I thought might help my boost my lean muscle mass.
I tried a lot of different workouts, and a lot of different eating plans, and gave up on most of the things I tried after a few weeks. For example, I didn’t want to have to calculate my macros after every single thing I ate... It was so time consuming and felt like a job. In my opinion food should be something you enjoy, have a positive association with, and that you share with those you love.

But about six months in, there was a two-week period where everything just “clicked.” My weight started to drop faster than I’d expected, and my energy levels were up. My digestion improved, and my skin was even looking better! 

Friends were commenting on my appearance, and asking what I was doing. And that was when I got “discovered” as a fitness model, too.
The 14-Day Metabolism Reset
The 14-Day Metabolism Reset is the exact two-week plan that I use to help get slim and toned, lose unwanted fat, and build lean muscle… without unhealthy pills, calorie restriction, or exhaustion.

It’s now been two years since I created it, and in that time, I’ve had the opportunity to perfect it with client after client. There are two key elements to the program:
Metabolism Reset Key #1:
Low-Sugar, Low-Salt Meals
When you cut refined sugar, you dramatically lower the insulin response, which causes fewer calories to get stored as fat (and it eliminates the mood and energy swings that sugar causes!).

And when you consume the right quantity of salt, the body stores less water (which is one of the reasons that I’m able to get my abs to show like they do).
Metabolism Reset Key #2:
20-Minute HIIT Workouts
Also known as “afterburn” workouts, these get your heartrate up fast, but they also build lean muscle so your body shifts into a higher metabolic state for the next 24 hours
These workouts help women get both stronger and slimmer than doing hours of  long cardio sessions.
I believe that these workouts are why I got results (for myself, AND my clients) when nothing else worked. With a daily “lean muscle boosting workout,” the metabolism is kicked into high gear… and by the end of the 14 days, it’s running better than it’s ever run before.
The best part is that the Reset does not require you to organize your life around it! I am a busy person and I do not have hours to spend in the gym or the kitchen! 

And I know this is the case for my clients... whether they're studying, working, or caring for their home or family.  Women often put the needs of others in front of our own, and sometimes we don't take care of ourselves the way we deserve.
That's why it was important for me to create a program that is easy to follow... it's simple, it's short, it's fun, and it is sustainable. 

It's 20 minutes a day that will change your life, and you can start now.
I do this 14-Day Reset several times a year... before photo shoots where I have to look my healthiest, before weddings, and yes... before bikini season!

You get big, filling meals that taste great. And you get a daily energy and mood boost with quick workouts, done from the home, the park, or anywhere else that's convenient. The workouts are all based on body weight, and don't require weights, bands, or any other equipment.
I do this 14-Day Reset several times a year... before photo shoots where I have to look my healthiest, before weddings, and yes... before bikini season!

You get big, filling meals that taste great. And you get a daily energy and mood boost with quick workouts, done from the home, the park, or anywhere else that's convenient. The workouts are all based on body weight, and don't require weights, bands, or any other equipment.
Members Are Loving My 14-Day Reset
It always makes me SO HAPPY when I receive messages from real women in our community talking about the Reset, and how it has improved their lives...

These messages are what inspire me to want to do more for all women who are struggling with their health and/or body positivity. 

These women are what motivate me to continue pushing and never give up when times are tough...because believe me...trying to start and run a small business from nothing is super tough y'all!   

But knowing that something I've worked so hard on is helping thousands of women feel amazing, and love their body truly is priceless! So I just want to do a quick shout out to all 8 thousand members we have in our community so far: THANK YOU for trusting in me! I know that there are a lot of crappy programs being sold online these days, and I promise to never be one of them. I will always do my best to serve our members in the best way that I can. Much love to all Radgirls!
PS: To see more testimonial or photos from real women in our community, or get answers to any questions about the program, please feel free to send me a message. I'm always here to help!

Now, I'd like to invite you to join the Radiant Me Community, start the 14 Day Reset and get your body running the way it's supposed to. It'll only take 20 minutes a day, and I've got the whole thing laid out for you:
Here's Everything That You're About To Get
  • ​7 Breakfasts
  • ​7 Lunches 
  • ​7 Dinners 
  • ​Delicious Snacks 
  • ​Nutrition Tips that you probably haven't heard elsewhere 
  • ​A full shopping list - stock up once for the next 14 days! 
  • ​Don't worry, your family will love these meals too!
  • 14 Training Videos - I'll be working out with you the entire way, and you don't need ANY equipment.
  • ​Each workout is just 20 minutes, and you can do "high" or "low" intensity, based on your current fitness level. 
  • ​You'll be burning calories, building lean muscle mass and improving your resting metabolic rate.
  • A private community where you can ask questions, share results and get support and motivation!
  • ​It's a 24/7 support team from every woman in the community. 
  • ​Connect with other women who are on the same fitness journey. 
  • ​...and be on the lookout for a few surprises in the community, as well ;)
Your Investment In The 14-Day Reset.. only $29.97!
You'll start your transformation now, with full, instant access to the whole program: every workout video, the recipe book, and the day-by-day training and diet calendar.

And much more importantly, I want to help you feel healthier, stronger, leaner, more just 14 days from now!
And Just For Some Perspective...
$29.97 is less than the price of...
A Trip To The Beauty Store
A Cute New Blouse
A Few Drinks At The Bar
...but there's no makeup, no blouse, and no amount of drinks that can make a woman feel the way a healthy body will.

So the only question you should have at this point is...
"Will This Work For Me?"
It's the most common question I get... "is it really possible to eat delicious, filling meals, and only work out 20 minutes a day, and actually lose weight and gain energy?"

And even though everyone is different and results may vary, I've seen it happen enough times now that I can answer: YES, it is possible! 

But I've been sitting where you are before, and I've tried other programs that promise the world, but don't deliver results.
So I'm willing to take all the responsibility here, and offer you a full 1-Year, Unconditional Guarantee: if you buy the course, and don't like it, you can return it ANY time between now, and 365 days from now.

Heck, you can go through it multiple times, and call me next year at this time, and I'll still honor the refund request.
I'm confident offering this guarantee because I know that the 14-Day Reset is a great program, and I want to give you the peace of mind to try it, and see just how well it works for you. So join me and start today!
Frequently Asked Questions...
Q:  Is the Recipe Book Vegan or Vegetarian Friendly? 

A:  Unfortunately at the moment we do not have a Vegan or Vegetarian recipe book. That being said there are quite a few vegan and vegetarian girls in the Radiant Me Community who are giving the 14 Day Reset a try. I am happy to help you with substitutions, but please be aware that you will not be receiving a Vegan or Vegetarian E-book.
Q:  "Will the meals be expensive, or difficult to prepare?" 

A:  No! All of the meals take 30 min or less. They do not require and extensive amount of ingredients are they are very simple to make.
Q:  "I'm really overweight and I haven't worked out for awhile. Will I be able to do this too, or will it be too intense for me?" 

A:  No worries at all... most of the exercises have modification you can do to accommodate your fitness level, and I'm confident that you'll be able to rock them. I always remind my clients that the most important thing during the workouts is that "you are doing your best". If you are pushing yourself and doing your best you will continue improving and you will achieve results.
Q:  Will my body stay lean after I'm done with this plan? 

A:  I created the program to be sustainable, which means that you should be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle after you finish the 14 Day Reset. It is important for you to take what you've learned and adapt to your day to day life. From there, it's all about balance and maintenance. Consistency is the key!
Q:  I won't look like a bodybuilder after this, will I? 

A:  No not at all :) I've got nothing but respect for bodybuilder because their workout and eating regimens are intense and strict, requiring a lot of discipline. But the 14 Day Reset was designed for the everyday woman who does not have a lot of time. The program will help you lose unwanted pounds, get toned and improve your metabolism and health.
Q:  Is this a monthly subscription? Will I be charged more than once? 

A:  NO! You will not be charged monthly. The 14 Day Reset is a one time payment of $29.97 for lifetime access to the program and members’ community.
Q:  Will I still have access to the 14 Day Metabolism Reset after the 14 days are over? 

A:  YES! Once you purchase the program it is yours to keep and access whenever you want. You will have lifetime access to the program and members’ community, and you can do the program as many times as you want.
Q: "Is your guarantee really 1 year?"

A: It is! You can buy the course now, and not even start it for the next 50 weeks. I do this because I want to earn your confidence and trust, and I know that when you go through the program, you're going to realize that it's worth way more than I'm asking for. My Customer Happiness team is online 24/7, and split between Austin, Texas and the Philippines so they will get back to you and help you in a short period of time.
Q:  "How do I access it all?" 

A:  When you complete your order, you will receive an email confirmation with your Log In information. If you don’t see it in your inbox please check your junk/spam folders. If you have any questions regarding your purchase or have any trouble accessing your program please contact:
You will have instant access to the Radiant Me Members’ site. That’s where you’ll find all of the workouts, a download of the recipe book and forum.

Join me now, and let’s make your transformation happen next!
Stay Radiant!
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